Transactional Communication Strategies to Influence Pre-service Teachers’ Speaking Skill


  • Wilfrido Muñoz Julio Universidad Santo Tomás, Colombia
  • Odilia Ramírez Contreras Universidad de Caldas, Colombia



Attitude, fluency, grammar, interaction, transactional communication strategies, vocabulary


This article is about an Action Research project carried out at a public Institution in Sincelejo, Colombia. The research purpose was to determine the effect of transactional communication strategies (TCS) on pre-service teachers’ speaking skill. In a diagnostic stage, problems in the speaking skill were identified then an action stage was carried out consisting of six workshops including TCS; a researcher journal, a student self-assessment survey, and a non-participant observation were used for data collection; results suggested a positive impact of TCS on the participants’ speaking skill represented in significant progress related to vocabulary, grammar, fluency, attitude, pronunciation, and interaction. Conclusions ratify the importance of TCS in the preparation of future Elementary School teachers in response to national bilingualism policies.


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Author Biographies

Wilfrido Muñoz Julio, Universidad Santo Tomás, Colombia

holds a Bachelor in Foreign Languages from Corporación Educativa del Caribe (CECAR). This year, he graduated from a Master’s degree in English Didactics from the University of Caldas (Colombia). He worked on a research study named: Transactional communication strategies to influence pre-service teachers’ speaking skill. He has been teaching for twelve years. Currently, he works at the School Normal Superior of Sincelejo and a part time teacher at University of Santo Tomas, as an English teacher for the Foreign Languages Teaching, His interests are centered on classroom research in the field of EFL.

Odilia Ramírez Contreras, Universidad de Caldas, Colombia

holds a Master’s degree in English Didactics from the University of Caldas where she works as a research professor. She is also a public school principal in Manizales with strong interest in ELT education, bilingualism policies, and ICT-assisted learning environments. Her academic efforts focus on classroom research and teacher education in the field of EFL curriculum design and development. Professor Ramirez also works as a thesis advisor and evaluator in the same field.




How to Cite

Muñoz Julio, W., & Ramírez Contreras, O. (2018). Transactional Communication Strategies to Influence Pre-service Teachers’ Speaking Skill. GIST – Education and Learning Research Journal, (16), 33–55.



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