Linguistic attitudes in local speech forms: a sociolinguistic study in the Brazil-Colombia-Peru trifrontera


  • Sandra Liliana Rojas Molina Institución Universitaria Colombo Americana ÚNICA


This work  is aimed at describing and analyzing the linguistic attitudes of the inhabitants of the Brasil Colombia Perú border and describes  the Portuguese and  Spanish linguistics varieties udes there, as well as their attitudes with regard to the phenomenon of code switching and interferences born from linguistic contact. Through interviews and direct observation, this work analyses linguistic attitudes from three dimensions: cognitive, affective and behavioral. Data shows that high percentages of negative judgement exist among inhabitants, territories and linguistic varieties. The presence of this kind of stigmatization proves that the phenomenon of discrimination is real in the region and that it goes beyond linguistic boundaries. Through this work discussions about linguistic policies which promote local speech forms are proposed. Also stated is the importante role which mass media and Education play in finding possible ways to guarantee processes of both the consolidation of linguistic democracy and social equity.


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How to Cite

Rojas Molina, S. L. (2008). Linguistic attitudes in local speech forms: a sociolinguistic study in the Brazil-Colombia-Peru trifrontera. GIST – Education and Learning Research Journal, (2), 36–50. Retrieved from



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