Descubrir Nuevas Dimensiones en una Tarea Antigua: Profesores Bilingües de Educación Superior Aprender a Usar la Planificación de la Lección para el Éxito Educativo del Estudiante


  • Cristina Alfaro


Increasing diversity and linguistic complexity in classrooms is occurring in schools throughout the world. Bilingual teachers need to develop knowledge and skills to succeed in teaching diverse students. Demographic shifts are bringing increasing numbers of international students from diverse racial, ethnic, religious, class, and linguistic backgrounds into the United States public schools.  The goal of this article is not to debate whether it is important to address diversity in the public schools. Instead, the goal is to help teacher educators think about diversity in a global and integrative manner by providing important and valuable perspectives about the internationalization of teacher education.



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How to Cite

Alfaro, C. (2008). Descubrir Nuevas Dimensiones en una Tarea Antigua: Profesores Bilingües de Educación Superior Aprender a Usar la Planificación de la Lección para el Éxito Educativo del Estudiante. GIST – Education and Learning Research Journal, (2), 68–84. Retrieved from



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