The Reciprocal Teaching Model in the Development of Writing in Tenth Graders




Curriculum, Reciprocal Teaching Model, reading strategies, portfolios, writing


This article presents an action research study which purpose was to determine the extent to which the Reciprocal Teaching model (RT), proposed by Palincscar and Brown (1984), impacts tenth grader’s English writing skills. The research work included: (1) A diagnostic stage to determine the participant’s initial difficulties in regards to their writing skills; (2) An action stage that consisted of the implementation of some workshops based on the RT model and focused on reading strategies, namely predicting, clarifying, questioning, and summarizing. (3) An evaluation stage where key findings indicated the usefulness of RT for building confidence in the students and for developing their writing skills as they were able to expand their vocabulary spectrum, reduce syntax errors, and improve the content, organization and punctuation of their writing. Findings also suggest that assessing writing performance through portfolios is useful to enhance the school curriculum because students engaged in their own learning and participated actively in their learning process.

       Keywords: curriculum, Reciprocal Teaching Model, reading strategies, portfolios, writing.


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Author Biographies

Karen Julio Cárdenas, Universidad de Caldas, Colombia

holds an M.A. in English Didactics from Universidad de Caldas and a Bachelor's degree in Foreign Languages, English/French from Universidad de Pamplona. She is currently a full-time English teacher at Fulgencio Lequerica Velez public school in Cartagena, Colombia. Also, she is a thesis advisor for the Master program in English Didactics at Universidad de Caldas. She has been involved in both, national and international teacher development programs. She was awarded the Indian Technical & Economic Cooperation (ITEC) scholarship, a fully-funded program run by the Government of India and supported by the Colombian Ministry of Education. She worked as an ITEC scholar at the English and Foreign Language University (EFLU) in Hyderabad, India. Her research interest is in the area of teaching methodologies with a focus on teaching English language to adolescents.

Margarita María López-Pinzón, Universidad de Caldas, Colombia

Professor Margarita López holds an MA in English Didactics from Caldas University and  is currently the Director of this graduate Program; she has extensive experience in teaching graduate and undergraduate courses and has been conducting educational research for several years, her areas of interest include EFL methodogy, research and bilingualism.


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How to Cite

Julio Cárdenas, K., & López-Pinzón, M. M. . (2019). The Reciprocal Teaching Model in the Development of Writing in Tenth Graders. GIST – Education and Learning Research Journal, (19), 128–147.


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