Using Digital Formative Assessment to Evaluate EFL Learners’ English Speaking Skills




Digital formative assessment, foreign language speaking skills, formative assessment, language testing


As it is known formative assessment focuses on both the learning process and learner's performance. In this study digital formative assessment and traditional speaking tests were utilized comparatively to evaluate 52 upper-intermediate EFL learners' English language speaking skills. The study was designed as a mixed-method. The quantitative data were collected via achievement tests which had been administered both in traditional speaking tests and digital formative tests. The qualitative findings were collected with students' interviews which consisted of four open-ended questions. The results of the study showed that participants outperformed in digital formative tests in comparison to traditional speaking tests. Another significant finding of the study is that participants are satisfied with the digital formative assessments in terms of peer collaboration during tests, enriched test materials, and preparation time for the speaking test. Although they have positive views on digital formative assessment, participants are dissatisfied with it in terms of technical problems that they encountered during the administration of digital formative tests.


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Author Biography

Zeynep Çetin Köroğlu, Aksaray University, Turkey

has been working as an Assistant Professor Doctor at English Language Teaching Department of Aksaray University, Turkey. Her academic background mainly consists of English Language Teaching. She graduated from Gazi University and got her MA degree. Then, she started her PhD at the same university and completed it in 2015. She especially interested in intercultural communication, language teachers’ education, ICT implementations in language pedagogy and language assessment. She published numerous book chapters and articles related with her research interests


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How to Cite

Çetin Köroğlu, Z. (2021). Using Digital Formative Assessment to Evaluate EFL Learners’ English Speaking Skills. GIST – Education and Learning Research Journal, (22), 103–123.


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