Identifying Training Needs of Novice Online English Language Tutors


  • Carolina Rodríguez Buitrago Universidad de la Sabana


online learning, e-moderating, teacher training, e-tutors, needs analysis, English language teaching


Online and blended learning are of growing interest in the English language learning community. In Colombia, national initiatives and policies promote online educational programs and online English courses specifically. As a result, new online tutors are constantly needed for new programs and courses offered by institutions as well as by private companies and public agencies. This article focuses on training as a way to prepare teachers to become online tutors who can support online and blended language learning processes. The study presents a needs analysis strategy, using a questionnaire to collect data on teachers’ perceived needs regarding training to become online English tutors. The results of the study suggest that novice e-tutor trainees need to become familiar with the specifics of online language learning platforms, and also require training on the necessary tutor competencies and skills. The findings argue for continued training on e-moderating.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Buitrago, C. (2013). Identifying Training Needs of Novice Online English Language Tutors. GIST – Education and Learning Research Journal, (7), 134–153. Retrieved from



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