Assessment of English Learning in a Language Teacher Education Program




Assessment, English learning, Evaluative practices, formative, democrative, fair assessment


The purpose of this study is to characterize the assessment process in an English Language Teacher Education Program (ELTEP, hereafter) at a Colombian public university. Following a qualitative-descriptive approach, we identified the perceptions of teachers and students facing this process, reviewed some official documents such as course syllabi and test samples, and observed some classes to respond to the main inquiries of the present study. As data collection instruments we used interviews, questionnaires, field diaries, and documentary records, which allowed for the corresponding triangulation of the information. Once the information was collected, we proceeded to its respective analysis through a methodology of descriptive statistics and qualitative analysis with the support of a computer program for the codification and categorization of information. The results of this study allow us to conclude that in spite of the general guidelines proposed by the institution in terms of assessment of learning, and some good evaluative practices implemented by the teachers of the aforementioned Program, the consolidation of an approach is required. An approach understood as criteria and pedagogical procedures that guide both teachers and students, and one that promotes more formative, fair and democratic assessments.


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Author Biographies

Leonardo Herrera Mosquera, Universidad Surcolombiana, Colombia

earned his Bachelor´s degree in English Language Teaching as well as in Business Administration from Universidad Surcolombiana. He holds a Master´s degree in TESOL from Greensboro College, North Carolina. He has taught English and Spanish as foreign languages both in his native country Colombia and in the USA. His research areas of interest are classroom assessment, testing, and discourse analysis. He is member of the research group Aprenap and holds the title of Junior Researcher according to Colciencias. Herrera is currently the Dean of the School of Education at his alma mater, Universidad Surcolombiana

Lilian Cecilia Zambrano Castillo, Universidad Surcolombiana, Colombia

holds a Masters degree  in English Didactics from Universidad de Caldas, Colombia.  Currently, she is an associate full time profesor at Universidad Surcolombiana in Neiva, and belongs to  “Comuniquémonos” research group.  Her main fields of interest are: evaluation and assessment processes, reflective teaching in the practicum arena and teaching English to children.  She has advised and evaluated  undergraduate and post-graduate research projects.  She has participated in international and national conferences as a presenter


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How to Cite

Herrera Mosquera, L. ., & Zambrano Castillo, L. C. . (2019). Assessment of English Learning in a Language Teacher Education Program. GIST – Education and Learning Research Journal, (19), 193–214.


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