Rehabilitation services for visually impaired children: early intervention or a long delay?


  • Maria Inés Rubo de Sousa Nobre University of Campinas/School of Medical Sciences- Campinas
  • Edméa Rita Temporini University of Sao Paulo/School of Medicine
  • José Newton Kara University of Sáo Paulo/School of Medicine
  • Rita de Cássia letto Montilha University of Campinas/School of Medical Sciences- Campinas



The following aspects related to the care of visually impaired children were surveyed in a Low-Vision Stimulation Service in order to contribute to the improvement of the services it offers: age of the child at the first ophthalmologic consultation; person responsible for identifying the problem; knowledge of mothers concerning the vision problem of their child; and, age of the child at the beginning of stimulation. Twentyfive mothers of visually impaired children with ages varying from birth to 4 years were interviewed. In a general way, the problem had been identified before the children were 6 months old; however, only 50.0% of them had been attended to up to this age. In the great majority of the cases it was the mother who first perceived the vision problem of her child (48.0%), followed by other members of the family (28.0%) and, physicians (24.0%). Although the mothers disclosed some knowledge on the technical terminology concerning vision problems, they used it incorrectly. The Authors suggest that ophthalmologists should play a more active part in the early referral of visually impaired children to vision stimulation services.


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Biografía del autor/a

Maria Inés Rubo de Sousa Nobre, University of Campinas/School of Medical Sciences- Campinas

Master in Neurological Sciences-Ophthalmology Area, Occupational Therapist, Special Education and Rehabilitation Teacher, CEPRE/State University of Campinas/School of Medical Sciences- Campinas, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Edméa Rita Temporini, University of Sao Paulo/School of Medicine

Associate Professor, Lecturer in Methodology of Research-Health Area, University of Sao Paulo/ School of Public Health - Sao Paulo, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil; and, Research Adviser for the Discipline of Ophthalmology, State University of Campinas/School of Medical Sciences - Campinas, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil and University of Sao Paulo/School of Medicine - Sáo Paulo, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

José Newton Kara, University of Sáo Paulo/School of Medicine

Full Professor, Discipline of Ophthalmology, State University of Campinas/School of Medical Sciences - Campinas, State of Sáo Paulo, Brazil and University of Sáo Paulo/School of Medicine - Sáo Paulo, State of Sáo Paulo, Brazil.

Rita de Cássia letto Montilha, University of Campinas/School of Medical Sciences- Campinas

Master in Neurological Sciences-Ophthalmology Area, Occupational Therapist, Special Education and Rehabilitation Teacher, CEPRE/State University of Campinas/School of Medical Sciences- Campinas, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Referencias bibliográficas

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Cómo citar

Rubo de Sousa Nobre, M. I., Temporini, E. R., Newton Kara, J., & Montilha, R. de C. letto. (2000). Rehabilitation services for visually impaired children: early intervention or a long delay?. Revista Ocupación Humana, 8(4), 40–54.



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