Oral-motor therapy

Study of a distance learning educational model for primary caregivers





childhood feeding and eating disorders, occupational therapy, distance learning, caregivers


Eating and swallowing disorders are prevalent among children with neuromotor disabilities, significantly impacting their overall quality of life. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the challenges by restricting access to health care, underscoring the necessity for innovative solutions with caregiver involvement. This study investigated the effectiveness of a distance learning educational model in oral-motor therapy for primary caregivers of children with neuromotor impairments in Mérida, Mexico. The quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design included thirty primary caregivers of children aged 2 to 12 with feeding and swallowing disorders from seven institutions. Twenty-three participants completed the program. The program encompassed theoretical sessions on various aspects of oral motor therapy and practical sessions focusing on hands-on training. Results revealed substantial enhancements in theoretical knowledge and practical competencies among caregivers, with competence levels exceeding 80% in all evaluated activities. Despite these positive outcomes, the study acknowledges limitations such as a small sample size and the absence of a control group. Addressing these constraints through future research endeavors will bolster the evidence supporting the effectiveness of this innovative caregiver-centric approach. Ultimately, integrating caregivers into the care team is imperative for improving the quality of life for children with neuromotor disabilities and effectively managing eating and swallowing disorders.


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How to Cite

Widman Valencia, M. E., Estrella Castillo, D., & Gómez De Regil, L. (2024). Oral-motor therapy: Study of a distance learning educational model for primary caregivers. Human Occupation Journal, 24(1), 23–36. https://doi.org/10.25214/25907816.1618


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