El papel de la cintura escapular en la postura y el movimiento


  • Marlen Rojas Rojas, FT. Universidad del Rosario




Motor Development, Fine Motor, Gross Motor, Functional Motor skills, Kinesiology


The purpose of this article is to make a review on the importance of motor skills of shoulder girdle in movement deve lopment and postural control, without ignoring all factors that participate and are essential in child motor learning. This interpretation, observe in detail all common factors of body structures which take part and its movement patterns related to shoulder girdle, one main intention: be used for intervention. Reviewing this information and its understanding can be used as a reference for assessment and treatment of abnormal development and motor delay.

Finally, it shows scapular structure as a body segment which plays an important role in multiple activities of the child’s body during development and thus, makes it an interdisciplinary issue.


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Author Biography

Marlen Rojas Rojas, FT., Universidad del Rosario

Fisioterapeuta. Especialista en
Asociación Norteamericana de Neurodesarrollo.
Especialista en Docencia Universitaria, Universidad del Rosario.
Docente del programa de Fisioterapia de la Universidad del Rosario.


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How to Cite

Rojas Rojas, M. (2005). El papel de la cintura escapular en la postura y el movimiento. Human Occupation Journal, 11(1 y 2), 37–49. https://doi.org/10.25214/25907816.217



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