The expression of a therapeutic resident’s sexuality as leisure: Encounters between Elias & Dunning and Occupational Therapy




leisure, mental health, personal autonomy, sexual behavior, Occupational Therapy


In addition to a model of care for people with mental health disorders, the Brazilian psychiatric reform also presented a new way of understanding their rights and way of life. In this article, based on an interview with a resident of a therapeutic residence in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, an analysis of leisure is carried out based on the knowledge of Elias and Dunning, Social Science authors, who discuss excitement and pleasure in leisure. Subsequently, some implications for Occupational Therapy are raised. It is possible to understand the resident’s experiences of sexual desire as ways of living through leisure. Sexual desire has a function in her coexistence with society and redefines her possibilities of trying, inventing, and reinventing leisure and everyday life in her new role.


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How to Cite

Gonçalves Queiroz, A., Porfírio Couto, A. C. ., Silva Barreto, L. C., & Drumond de Brito, C. M. . (2020). The expression of a therapeutic resident’s sexuality as leisure: Encounters between Elias & Dunning and Occupational Therapy . Human Occupation Journal, 20(1), 106–117.



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