Non-vascularized bular autograft for post-traumatic bone defect in thumb phalanx


  • Julian Gómez-Pérez Universidad de Cartagena, Facultad de Medicina, Especialización en Ortopedia y Traumatología
  • Javier Lecompte Empresa Social del estado Hospital Universitario del Caribe, Servicio de Ortopedia y Traumatología



Bone Transplantation, inger Injuries, Thumb, Autograft, Fibula


Traumatic thumb injuries often result in signi cant functional disability. With segmental bone loss, reconstructive options include multiple options such as antibiotic cement and bone graft, distraction osteogenesis, digital transfers, vascularized and avascularized free bone grafts, among others. We present a case about a complex bone lesion in proximal phalanx of the thumb on the left hand and how, through a reconstruction with avascular bone autograft of the bula, the anatomy was restored providing stability, strength and function with a satisfactory nal result.


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How to Cite

Gómez-Pérez, Julian, and Javier Lecompte. “Non-Vascularized Bular Autograft for Post-Traumatic Bone Defect in Thumb Phalanx”. Cirugía De Mano Y Microcirugía, vol. 2, no. 2, July 2023, doi:10.25214/28056272.1649.


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