The Colombian health system: Reflections on its influence on the health of the population




health systems, Colombia, public health


Health systems are a social response modified and adapted according to the time and place in history. As societies become more complex, health systems face new challenges. Knowing this overview facilitates its interpretation. This article presents a reflection that starts from recognizing the main improvements and limitations of the Colombian health system to broaden the perspective regarding its configuration possibilities and needs. Elements of the socio-political and economic context are analyzed, and the primary health indicators used to reflect how health systems respond to the protection of the population are examined. The Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud (general system for social security in health), created by the Law 100 of 1993, was born in the context of dismantling the welfare states and the strengthening of neoliberalism. The system has enabled progress in the access to health services for the population in more critical poverty conditions. However, gaps and inequities are still present. Occupational Therapy is not alien to these issues; its actions should tend to close such gaps and social inequities.


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How to Cite

Reina Bolaños, C. A. (2021). The Colombian health system: Reflections on its influence on the health of the population. Human Occupation Journal, 21(2), 88–98.


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