Adjective-Noun Order: An Error Analysis of Colombian Learners of English




Adjective-noun order, Colombian learners of English, Translation method, Error analysis


Adjective- noun order errors are a common occurrence throughout all levels of English language students. Based on professional experiences, existing literature and revisiting what some may consider archaic methodologies, this reflective article aims to analyse adjective-noun order errors among Colombian learners of English, understand why it presents such a challenge in the Colombian context and provide one possible teaching method to help reduce the number of adjective-noun order errors produced.  To achieve such aims this article compares the rules for adjective-noun order in English and Spanish, describes the implications of the differences in adjective-noun order between the two languages for the Colombian learner and proposes translation as a teaching method to help Colombian learners of English reduce the frequency of these errors. Further investigation is needed to provide teachers with more insight into this problem; perhaps, focussing specifically on one of the two skills in which the error is produced, either writing or speaking.


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Author Biography

Andrew John Connolly, Universidad EAN, Colombia

is an English teacher with over 8 years teaching experience. Currently, he is a teacher at Universidad EAN in Bogota, Colombia. Alongside this he is a certified IELTS (International English Language Testing System) examiner and holds a Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Leicester. His main interests within the field of English Language Teaching are CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), error analysis, exam design, and teaching English for Academic purposes all with a focus, where possible, on the Colombian context.


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How to Cite

Connolly, A. J. (2020). Adjective-Noun Order: An Error Analysis of Colombian Learners of English. GIST – Education and Learning Research Journal, 20, 231–250.


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