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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article has been submitted to just one journal at a time.
  • The article should be submitted in a recent version of Microsoft.
  • The article should be in English.
  • At least 15 but no more than 20 pages.
  • Authors should follow the Publication Manual of the APA (Seventh Edition, 2020) for writing style in general as well references. For more information visit:
  • We encourage authors to use gender-neutral language in their articles. Gender-specific pronouns such as she/he should be used only when necessary for the research.

Author Guidelines

Article Presentation Format

Tone: Articles should present scientific, scholarly, and professional research on language education. All biases towards gender, sexual orientation, racial, or ethnic groups should be avoided, as should all prejudiced statements involving disabilities or age. Historical and interpretative inaccuracies (quoting a work inappropriately) are not acceptable.
Length. At least 15 but no more than 20 pages including references.
Software. The article should be submitted in a Microsoft Word operating system such as Word for 97-2007, Vista, or Windows 7.
Style. Authors should follow the Publication Manual of the APA (Seventh Edition, 2020) for writing style in general as well as references. Some key aspects of the general APA style include:

a. Using just one space, not two, between all words and sentences.
b. Using a ½ inch (five to seven space) indentation on every paragraph.
c. Placing reference citations within the text (and not as a footnote).
d. Spacing in-text references according to the example: (Johnson, 2003, p. 57).
e. Placing punctuation within quotation marks, according to the example: ...word.”
f. Using the 12 point Times New Roman font, for readability.
g. Double-spacing the entire text.
h. Utilizing commas before the word and or or in a series of three or more items.
i. Using block quotations when a quotation consists of 40 or more words.
j. Using digits (e.g., 10; 78; 394) only for numbers 10 and above. Other numbers under 10 may be written out (e.g., four, nine, seven).
k. Differentiating in the format used with a table and a figure in the graphics which accompany one’s article.
l. Implementing the editorial “we” or “I” (with the active voice), which is perfectly acceptable nowadays, and even preferred over the use of the passive voice.
m. Not writing a heading for the introduction, as the first part of an article is presumed to be the introduction.
n. Using the five levels of APA heading, (which are not to be numbered).

Although we encourage authors to use the reference lists of previously published GiST Journal articles as a model, seven general examples follow. Please notice that each reference includes the authors name, date of publication, title of the work, and publication data.

Martínez, A. A., Jones, B. B., & Schmidt, C. C. (1997). Título de artículo en español [Title of     article translated into English]. Name of Journal, 8(3), 492-518.

Chang, F. F., & Donovan, P. P. (Eds.). (1985). Title of work. Location: Publisher.
Martínez, A. A. (2009). Title of chapter. In E. E. Godoy (Ed.), Title of book (pp. xx-xx). Location: Publisher.

Martínez, A. A., & Jones, B. B. (2010). Title of article. Title of Periodical, 24, pp. xx-xx. https://doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx

Martínez, A. A., & Jones, B. B. (2010). Title of article. Title of Periodical, 24, pp. xx-xx.

Chang, F. F (2000, July). Title of paper or poster. Paper or poster session presented at the meeting of Organization Name, Location.

Martínez, A. A. (2002, October 12). Title of article. Name of Newspaper, pp. B2, B6.


Graphic Aids. Original tables, figures, photographs, graphics, or other digital files which are necessary for comprehension are encouraged.  Graphics should be original and may not be reproduced from copyrighted material. Graphics may be included in the text of the article in the place where they should appear. They should be nemed as Figure or Table according to APA 7th edition.

Title. The article’s title should be brief and allow readers to identify the topic and content easily.

Author(s). GiST Journal will require a CV for each author which includes studies, professional experience, current position, and institutional affiliation. In addition, each author’s full name should be given in the order in which they wish to appear in publication.

Origin of the article. It is necessary to specify if the article is the result of research, a graduation thesis, an essay, or critique. In the case of it being a product of a research project, the author should indicate the project title, the financing source, sponsoring institution, and project phase.

Abstract. All abstracts should be in English and in Spanish. The abstract should include the scope and intention of the paper, with a concise description of the methodology, supporting theories, general results, and main conclusions.

Keywords. There is a maximum of 10 keywords, which must be presented in English as well as Spanish.


Types of Articles

1.Scientific or technological research article: A document which presents in detail the original results of a research project. The structure generally contains seven important sections: and abstract, an introduction, a review of the literature, the methodology, the outcomes, the conclusions, and a reference list.

2.Reflective article: A document which presents in detail the results of a research project from the analytical, interpretive, or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, with clear references to the original sources.

3.Review Article: A document which is the result of research in which the results of certain research projects which have or have not been published are analyzed, systematized, and integrated together with the objective of demonstrating advances and developmental tendencies. This type of manuscript is characterized by its presentation of a careful bibliographic summary of at least 50 references. 


Ethical Guidelines and Authorization Letter

The article should be submitted with a letter of authorization in which the author gives permission to GiST Journal to both publish and disseminate the contents of the article. This must be signed by the corresponding author and returned to GiST by email to if the article will be considered for publication. Writers also affirm with the letter of authorization that they comply with the ethics of journal writing stated below:

  • The work is original.
  • Plagiarism has been avoided.
  • The content has not been fragmented (in order to maximize the number of articles).
  • The article has been submitted to just one journal at a time. (Explicit mention must be made to the editor about any similar articles that you have submitted to other journals or that may be in press). Authors must sign a letter of originality to give evidence that the article is not simultaneously being submitted to another journal or publication.
  • Any conflict of interest is openly declared.
  • Names of institutions should be omitted, except in the case that expressed written permission is granted by the institution. In this case, this written permission should be submitted along with the article. Names of researchers, as well as participants in the study should be omitted from the article. Pseudonyms may be used for participants if the article is, for example, a case study.

Peer Review Process

As a peer-reviewed publication, GiST Journal uses a “masked,” or, more specifically, “double-blind” process of review. This means that given a positive pre-selection by the Editorial Committee, the articles will be submitted to evaluation by at least two anonymous academically-certified experts on the subject who will not be made aware of the author’s identity or institutional affiliation. The recommendations and comments of the reviewers will be shared with the corresponding author, who will have the opportunity to make modifications. At that point, the editorial team will determine whether the article may be published and will notify the corresponding author of the decision.

Criteria for Evaluating Articles. The Editorial Committee will decide on the publication of an article by using the following criteria: the fulfillment of the above stated conditions, methodological and conceptual rigor, originality, scientific quality, andrelevance.

Additional Information

Correspondence. All articles and correspondence should be sent digitally to

Concerns. Communicate with the Editor through e-mail or by telephone, please. Institución Universitaria Colombo Americana, International: (57-1) 281-1777 ext. 1291; In Colombia: (05-1) 281-1777 ext.1291

Waiver. Every article shall be subject to the review of the Editorial Committee. The Editor reserves the right to make formal modifications to articles through the editing process.


Copyright Assignment Agreement and Conflict of Interest Statement-1.doc


Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses included in this journal are to be used exclusively for the purposes defined, and are not to be shared with third parties for purposes other than those intended.