Inequities in the diffusion and visibility of knowledge: why should we care?




scientific and technical publications, systems for evaluation of publications, knowledge management, Occupational Therapy


Many authors from different disciplines have voiced a gap in knowledge value and production with a mainstream Euro-American-centric knowledge production system. This is also a reality in occupational therapy knowledge, where a heavy Western and Anglo-Saxon influence continues to undermine local epistemologies. Understanding the roots and implications of those differences is vital in combating health and social disparities across all practice settings. This editorial attempt to promote critical awareness of some elements that determine the differences in knowledge diffusion and visibility in Occupational Therapy between the global North and global South and their impact on education, research, and practice.


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How to Cite

Duarte Cuervo, C., & Talero Cabrejo, P. (2022). Inequities in the diffusion and visibility of knowledge: why should we care?. Human Occupation Journal, 22(1), 3–11.


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