Una postura ética para la Paz

más allá del Quehacer Profesional


  • Martha Tobón de Awad Por un Mañana




Psico-Social disfuctions, Therapy Occupational democracy and peace, system of the will, spirituality, education democracy and peace


This article seeks to justify with the theories of Occupational Therapy a proposal of community intervention, which contributes to promote the mental health of the Colombians, the formation of ethical values and the development of personal attitudes that promote the coexistence.

It describes the impact on the occupational acting of the unfuntion psicosotials that you/they can have origin in the national situation. It is based on authors like Neuhaus, VanAmburg, Short-De Graft, Kielhofner and Trujillo. It outlines the proposal of community intervention with the programs of Emotional Development and Coexistence, of Ecology and of Formation of Values, which are the result of the collective work of occupational therapists, speech language pathologist, teachers, parents and children of the Infantile Garden In one Tomorrow, located in Bogotá, Colombia. It uses in holistic form the marks of reference of the human occupation, occupational behavior, ecology, occupational adaptation, psicosocial and of participatice pedagogy.

With this proposal it has been influenced in a definitive way in the personal and community attitudes, so much of the children as of the adults that have participated of them. Also bill with an immense future potential since is absolutely possible chew them to the long and wide of the country.


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Author Biography

Martha Tobón de Awad, Por un Mañana

Terapeuta Ocupacional


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How to Cite

Tobón de Awad, M. (2004). Una postura ética para la Paz: más allá del Quehacer Profesional. Human Occupation Journal, 10(3 y 4), 43–60. https://doi.org/10.25214/25907816.213



Reflection article


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