Social Presence in an Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) in English during Covid-19




Covid-19, social presence, Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT), teaching English


Many educational institutions had to move their face-to-face modality to online modality in a sudden way due to coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19). On this reflection a foreign language teacher describes his social experience in an Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) when he moved his face-to-face classes to online ones. Based on Rourke et al. (2001) and Swan (2019), three elements were found on his online experience: cohesive teaching strategies, affective teaching strategies, and interactive teaching experiences. Asking for students’ mental health, giving advice, and keeping the video on were some of the strategies used. Conclusions suggest that it is vital to introduce people as human beings and touch their own realities during Covid-19 times. Recommendations include not only assessment practices such as take home exams, self-assessment and peer-assessment, but also monitor the ongoing process during emergency times.


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Author Biography

Sergio Alonso Lopera, Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia

PhD and MA in linguistics; specialist in teaching foreign languages. His research interests involve teaching EFL reading comprehension and pragmatics. He is a member of the research group EALE (Enseñanza y Aprendizaje en Lenguas Extranjeras) and a full time professor at Universidad de Antioquia (Medellín - Colombia).


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How to Cite

Lopera, S. A. (2021). Social Presence in an Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) in English during Covid-19. GIST – Education and Learning Research Journal, 23, 169–182.


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