Future Teachers Discuss their Readiness to Teach EFL in Ecuador





Teacher training, diversity, English language teaching, teacher professional development, Ecuador, qualitative research


This work examines Ecuadorian teacher trainees’ self-reported pedagogy. Data gathered in focus groups documents participant’ pedagogy, what they stated they learned about teaching in diverse contexts, and the challenges they anticipate as they prepare to begin careers as English language teachers. A constant comparison method was used to determine and cross-reference emergent themes in the data. Findings suggest a disconnect between the objectives of trainees’ program of study and what future teachers felt they need to have in their toolbox and be ready to implement in their practice.


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Author Biography

Ximena Burgin, Northen Illinois University, USA

Ximena D. Burgin, Ed.D., currently holds the position of Assistant Professor at Northern Illinois University's Department of Educational Technology, Research, and Assessment. With extensive experience in evaluation work for various federal, state, and non-profit organizations. Dr. Burgin's research is dedicated to the exploration of culturally responsive teaching within the classroom, examining how in-service and pre-service teachers leverage cultural characteristics and the diverse backgrounds of their students as effective teaching tools. Her research also delves into the multifaceted factors influencing teachers' instructional practices.


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How to Cite

Burgin, X., & Daniel, M. (2023). Future Teachers Discuss their Readiness to Teach EFL in Ecuador . GIST – Education and Learning Research Journal, 26. https://doi.org/10.26817/16925777.1510


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