A Creative Nonfiction Narrative Inquiry into an EFL Online Learning Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic





Creative Nonfiction, Narrative Inquiry, Memory Archive, Coronavirus, EFL, E-me


University libraries globally launch coronavirus memory archival projects inviting the documentation of personal experience. Elicitations such as journal entries and oral history interviews fall under the category of life-writing. This Narrative Inquiry focuses on creative nonfiction stories produced by an online high school community and edited by the EFL teacher during the first full lockdown in Greece. The shift to distance education caused students to use ELF as a means of contrasting their local archival endeavors with global ones. The EFL teacher as researcher used mentor texts, collected the coronavirus stories on e-me online platform, engaged the online members in a peer-reviewing process and reauthored a collective narrative. Narrative writing analysis was employed to reflect the teacher’s initiative to commemorate a student community’s physical disconnectedness from onsite learning. The use of e-me for this collaborative venture offers practical implications for EFL practitioners such as going beyond the bounds of the traditional curriculum whilst identifying self-regulation as indication of resilience among students experiencing unprecedented circumstances.



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Author Biographies

Angeliki Ypsilanti, Ionian University, Greece

is an English teacher in Secondary Education. She has been teaching English (as well as History and Greek and European Culture) since 2003. She holds two B.A. degrees, one in English Language and Literature from the University of Athens, Greece and the other in Hispanic Language and Civilization Studies from the Hellenic Open University, Greece as well as an M.Ed. in TEFL/TEIL from the Hellenic Open University. She is currently a PhD candidate in Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpreting at Ionian University, Greece. She has a keen interest in learning foreign languages. She is a fluent speaker of English, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Italian while she has an elementary knowledge of German and Swedish. She has participated as a regular contributor of creative writing responses to the Oxford Centre for Life-Writing’s Immeasurable Events project. 



Ioannis Karras, Ionian University

Ioannis Karras is Associate Professor in Applied Linguistics & Intercultural Communication at Ionian University, Greece. He has lectured at universities around the world, has delivered talks at international conferences and has conducted seminars/workshops with international audiences. He has authored a book, a number of edited book chapters and articles in journals and conference proceedings.


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How to Cite

Ypsilanti, A., & Karras, I. (2022). A Creative Nonfiction Narrative Inquiry into an EFL Online Learning Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic. GIST – Education and Learning Research Journal, 25, 88–111. https://doi.org/10.26817/16925777.1534


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