English Language Teacher Researcher Identity Construction: A Collaborative Autoethnography





Autoethnography, collaborative autoethnography, decoloniality, English teacher identity, English teacher researcher identity


This qualitative study gives an account of a collaborative autoethnography held by 3 teacher researchers with the intention of better understanding the experiences that have contributed to the consolidation of their identity as investigators. By means of narratives and a 3 step framework for data collection and analysis, it was found that despite participant teachers were somehow exposed to research related experiences during their time as undergraduate students, experiences held within and after postgraduate education allowed the construction and subsequent consolidation of their teacher researcher identity dimension. Besides, actively participating in a research community as well as partaking in different national and international ELT specialized academic events has also boosted the aforementioned aspect.


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How to Cite

Mosquera Pérez, J. E., Hurtado Torres, F. A. ., & Pérez Diaz, D. E. . (2023). English Language Teacher Researcher Identity Construction: A Collaborative Autoethnography. GIST – Education and Learning Research Journal, 26. https://doi.org/10.26817/16925777.1544


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