The Contribution of Information Gap Activities to Support Honduran Ninth-grade Students’ speaking Fluency




EFL classroom, information gap activities, speaking fluency, breakdowns, repairs, speech rate, teaching speaking


This article corresponds to an action research which explored the contribution of information gap activities to support a group Honduran ninth-graders’ speaking fluency. Their speaking fluency was assessed in terms of speech rate, breakdowns or pauses, and repairs. This study adopted a mixed method approach: quantitative and qualitative. The sample chosen was a purposive sample made up of a group of seven ninth graders who had been learning English in rural context in a public high school in Comayagua for two years, all aged between 14 and 15 years old, with an A1 level.The information gap technique was implemented during seven sessions following the regular topics scheduled for the school term. Data were collected by applying a pre-test and a post-test to assess students’fluency, and results were assessed with an analytic rubric; and their perceptions were assessed by a focus group. The pre and post-test results showed an improvement in participants’ speaking fluency, and these results were in agreement with their positive perceptions. Moreover, participants expressed that information gap activities had impacted positively their motivation and their awareness of mistakes. In conclusion, information gap activities helped learners improve their speaking fluency and might support English teachers in Honduran rural public contexts not to rely upon traditional textbook use and make their classes more motivating and communicative.


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Author Biographies

Mary E. Caballero, Universidad de Concepción, Chile

Mary Elizabeth Caballero Guillén, associate professor at the Fundación de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán and English teacher in service in the Lamani public high school, Honduras. Currently teaching Language courses and Technical English courses to teenagers and adults.

Cecilia Cisterna, Universidad de Concepción, Chile

Cecilia Cisterna Zenteno, associate professor at the Foreign Language Department, Faculty of Humanities and Arts, Universidad de Concepción, CHILE. Head of the Continuing Education School EDHUARTE. Currently, teaching Language courses and Culture of English-Speaking countries to undergraduates of the English Teaching program. I also teach the action research course in the Master Program “Innovation in teaching, learning and assessment of English” and I am a thesis supervisor. 


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How to Cite

Caballero Guillén, M. E., & Cisterna Zenteno, C. (2023). The Contribution of Information Gap Activities to Support Honduran Ninth-grade Students’ speaking Fluency. GIST – Education and Learning Research Journal, 26.


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