Guidelines of the Colombian College of Occupational Therapy for the hospital-based rehabilitation of users with COVID-19




Occupational Therapy, subacute care, ambulatory care, COVID-19, hospital, rehabilitation services


Up to this date, COVID-19 disease has shown to have short-term, and sometimes long-term, functional implications. Faced with the health emergency triggered by this disease, the Colombian College of Occupational Therapy convened a group of professional experts in the area to provide guidelines for occupational therapists involved in inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation of users with COVID-19 in Colombia. A literature review was conducted on the role and effectiveness of Occupational Therapy in subacute rehabilitation, the complications reported in users with COVID-19, and its therapeutic management in inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation. A consensus of experts determined the applicability of the guidelines to the Colombian context. Occupational Therapy, as part of the rehabilitation team, directly affects the level of independence, autonomy and future reincorporation to the activities within society. It also contributes to maintaining occupational balance to prevent short, medium, and long term sensorimotor, perceptual, and psychosocial dysfunctions, by facilitating and promoting cognitive, psychosocial, and leisure activities. These guidelines constitute a relevant technical and educational resource for subacute care in Occupational Therapy.


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How to Cite

Díaz Méndez, E. L. ., Talero Cabrejo , P. ., Faustino, M. Y. ., Guzmán Suárez , O. B., & Rodríguez Ferro , F. E. . (2020). Guidelines of the Colombian College of Occupational Therapy for the hospital-based rehabilitation of users with COVID-19 . Human Occupation Journal, 20(1), 146–162.



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