Research-based Instruction, an Essential Tenet of the Foreign Languages Pre-service-Teacher Education at Universidad de Pamplona




Foreign languages, pre service teachers, student researchers, CLIL, research-based instruction


This paper reports a personal reflection that describes how the Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages at the Universidad de Pamplona provides preservice teachers with a research-based instruction. In an attempt to contribute to today’s scholar discussions on foreign language pre-service teachers’ education, this reflective piece illustrates a unique way of teaching research to FL undergraduates. The author first provides an overview on the area of teaching research to undergraduates in Colombia; second, a description of how pre-service teachers learn the theoretical foundations, paradigms, designs and approaches mostly used in educational inquiry; and the two-year process student researchers go through. Finally, the author discusses the lessons learned and what the future of this process might be like.



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Author Biography

Gabriel Cote-Parra, Universidad de Pamplona, Colombia

received his Ph.D. in Education from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. He is a professor and researcher at the Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages, English-French at the Universidad de Pamplona. His research focuses on Learning and Teaching Foreign Languages, the line of Investigation of the Foreign Language Teachers’ Research Group-GRILEX. Currently, he is doing research on novice foreign language teachers’ Language Assessment Literacy (LAL).


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How to Cite

Cote-Parra, G. (2020). Research-based Instruction, an Essential Tenet of the Foreign Languages Pre-service-Teacher Education at Universidad de Pamplona. GIST – Education and Learning Research Journal, 20, 215–229.


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