Enhancing Permanence for Vocabulary Learning on 2nd Grade Students in Turkey Through Music





Music, Vocabulary teaching, Learning the meaning of the word, Persistance, elementary grades, mother tongue


Music plays an important role in students' language development. Because the process of acquiring and developing language skills of the individual and the process of learning to make music work have many similarities. In this study, the effect of teaching word with music with the normal intelligence and development level of 2nd grade students on the learning of the meaning of the word and ensuring the permanence of the word has been examined. Quasi-experimental design with experimental control group was used in the study. The research was carried out with 43 second grade students and the data were analyzed with ANOVA test. According to the results of the study, it is concluded that the teaching of vocabulary with music both the meaning of the word and providing the persistence of learning was found to be useful.


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Author Biographies

Omer Faruk Tavsanli, İstanbul Aydin University, Turkey

is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Education at Istanbul Aydin University in Turkey. He completed his PhD in Elementary Education at Bursa Uludag  University in Turkey.  His  research  interests  include  literacy, primary reading and writing, and Turkish language education.

Abdullah Kaldirim, Kutahya Dumlupinar University, Turkey

is Dr. in the Faculty of Education at Kutahya Dumlupinar University in Turkey. He completed her PhD in department of Turkish Education at Gazi University in Turkey.  His research interests include literacy, Turkish language education, and statistics in education.

Tayyar Erdem Gedikli, Bursa Uludag University, Turkey

is an instructor in the Faculty of Education at Bursa Uludağ University in Turkey. His research  interests  include  music education, children songs and teacher training. He composed hundreds of children songs.


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2021-06-23 — Updated on 2021-07-28

How to Cite

Tavsanli, O. F., Kaldirim, A., & Gedikli, T. E. (2021). Enhancing Permanence for Vocabulary Learning on 2nd Grade Students in Turkey Through Music. GIST – Education and Learning Research Journal, (22), 51–73. https://doi.org/10.26817/16925777.843


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